Wonderland, I tried to change the reforms but it never works out. Hello, this is my first post on the boards and one that i need help with. If you want them earlier without having to wait for a guy with all the traits copy/paste the unconditional trigger from the marians or polybians, change turns and set the counter Romanii reform to 3 The Augustan reforms don't have any unconditional reform option. Set_counter Romanii_Reform 1 change this to 2 If I_TurnNumber > 248 change to the number you wish as in 1st post so if you replace the marian unconditional trigger with the polybian you have to change the following things: be careful that you don't delete too much. The new units will appear when you build the new military buildings, don't try to repair the ones which get destroyed just raise them to the ground.Īnother thing you could do is copy the unconditional reforms from the polybian reforms and replace the marian ones with them. say if you have 49 cities set it to 50 and just wait till you have 51 (you know it says you need MORE than the number you enter). Hi wonder I was tring to edit the Marian reforms but the unconditional Reforms are a bit defarent from the Polybian unconditional Reforms so I have no idia how to edit it I tried to change the number of citys needed to capture but when I end turn nothing happends so I tried to make it by turns insted but I don't know what to edit to make it come out at the year i am playing at plz You have to apply the same principle when tweaking Marian and Augustan reforms.Īny doubts or questions? Don`t be shy, just ask and I`ll happily answer.

Once you reload the game, and press "end turn" button, the following turn you`ll enter the reforms, and the buildings will magically appear. So, you have to change the blue number to 88 if you are in year 250). If you want to have the reforms now and without any conditional, change the blue number to the turn you`re currently at in your campaign (Say, you are in year 250 and want to have polybian units, calculate 272-250=22. If you want to play without the year conditional for this particular reform, change the red number to 1. Monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionType seleucid If you want to enable them manually, go to the file specified in my previous post, and do a search for section "1c", titled "Roman reforms". Voilà!!!!! Polybian reforms!!!!!! You just have to build a new barrack on your town, and then you will be able to train your flaming polybian maniples!!! If you do, a small building called "Polybian Military Era" will appear on the buildings of your italian cities. So, you have to meet this conditions to enable the reform. You have also to play till turn Nº 120 (/4 = year 242).

You have to hold 2 of the following = (Segesta, Mediolanum, Bononia, Patavium) AND 2 of the following (Lilibeo, Messana, Syracuse). Let`s take for example the Polybian ones. You see, this things work with conditionals. First things first: BACK ALL UP BEFORE MESSING THIS UP.